Friday, March 14, 2008

She's a Wife and a Mother, Not a SLAVE

Men, you think that after working the whole day outside home, you deserve the luxury of rest. You hate it when your wife can't make your kids stop screaming, you hate it when she hasn't finished her cooking, you hate it when you get home and see that the house is still a mess.

You wonder, "What the hell she's been doing the whole day?"

Oh, since you ask, here are the answers:
  • She has been trying to clean up the whole house, but your toddler kept nagging her since he didn't feel well.
  • She picked up the girls and had to stop by at the headmaster's office because they defended themselves from the boys who kept making fun of them yet the headmaster thought that they had problems with attitude. She spent about an hour there, trying to make things clear.
  • She went to the hypermarket to buy the groceries but hey, the kids were kinda on the blink, so she forgot to buy the most important ingredient for the dinner she would be preparing for you so she had to go back there because--remember yesterday--you wanted her to prepare that special meal!
  • She got home very late. And, the girls' outfits were a mess. She needed to put them in the laundry right away so they won't get ruined and still can be used--which might save you lots of money rather than having to buy the girls new outfits.
So, do you still think she was just lying there and did nothing? Well, you are wrong.

Instead of adding craziness into her day, why don't you cuddle her, give her a soft massage on her back and help her with the cooking. She is your wife, the mother of your kids and not at all your slave.


OldLady Of The Hills said...

This is great adsvice! I don't have a husband, but if I did, I would have him read your blog!
What advice would you have for Elliot Spitzer, if any?

Anonymous said...

Oh I think Spitzer has learned his lesson.

But, seeing his wife being there for him gave me such a bad headache.

Attila the Mom said...

Heh. I'd tell him to prepare his own &%$#$!! special meal. ;-)

Anonymous said...

What a great idea for a blog! I happen to be a woman, but I will pass this on to some men I know, as well as keep reading myself. Good luck!

Buddhist Matrimonial said...

It's just like an eye opener for the men who rate their work more important than their wife's work. Definitely a man should be wise enough to understand that his wife's work is equally important and have the same significance.